Best Employment Lawyers in Knoxville TN Have Many Years of Legal Experience & Numerous Client Results to Prove It.
At our employment law firm we handle employment and severe personal injury cases. Unlike other law firms that will represent you by preparing a will, handle a criminal matter, or represent you in a traffic matter, Our employment lawyers in Knoxville TN have focus on only practicing law on a couple specific areas. And we excel in those chosen areas.
Normally, employees are able to sue for hostile work environments, wrongful terminations, or even “constructive discharge,” which occurs when an employer creates working conditions that are so intolerable that an employee would feel compelled to resign. It is often misunderstood what financial damages an employer may be liable for in an employment-related lawsuit.
Skilled Employment Lawyers in Knoxville TN
Compensation for damages can include economic damages, such as lost income and, in some circumstances, front pay, as well as non-economic damages, such as emotional distress and punitive damages. High-paid executives may be able to collect large damages for lost income if they file a lawsuit.
Our employment attorneys in Knoxville TN are well versed in all areas of employment law, allowing us to handle these claims from the start. When employees find themselves working in an unfair and potentially illegal environment, Our employment lawyers in Knoxville TN understand their frustration and hopelessness. As an employment law firm in Tennessee, we are dedicated to helping workers understand and enforce their rights.

As an employee, what are my legal rights?
The minimum wage and freedom from discrimination or unfair treatment based on race, sex, age, color, religion, national origin, or disability are your rights.
A safe workplace is also a legal right, and you are protected against retaliation if you file a complaint or claim against your employer.
Also, you may be eligible for 12-weeks of unpaid leave if you give birth or adopt, or if you deal with a serious health condition of a family member or friend.
Should you feel that your employee rights have been violated by your employer contact our firm and schedule an appointment with one of our employment attorneys in Knoxville TN to discuss your claim.
Protect Your Rights with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
In addition to all federal employment discrimination laws related to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, and disability, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces most of the laws. It is necessary for an employee to file a charge with the agency before pursuing a lawsuit based on any of these rules.
This charge must be brought within a certain period of time and it’s critical if you have been victim of harassment in the work, wrongfully discharged or discriminated against that you contact a our experienced employment attorneys in Knoxville TN as soon as possible. Most discrimination claims are resolved within 180 days, but government employees may have a shorter period.
If you believe your employee rights have been violated by being wrongfully terminated, sexually harassed or discriminated against in the workplace contact our skilled employment lawyer in Knoxville TN to evaluate your potential claim.
Areas of legal expertise serving all of Tennessee
Personal Injury
Our Tennessee personal injury attorneys have obtained compensation for many clients through settlement or verdicts for victims that have been injured in car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, as well as other personal injury claims.
Whistleblower / QUI-TAM
It is against the law for an individual or institution to submit a false claim or to fabricate a false record regarding any government funded program.You could be rewarded financially if you come forward with information about a company or person attempting to defraud the federal government.
Employment Law
Our employment attorney in Knoxville TN handle any and all Employment Law matters, such as wrongful discharges, discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, wage theft, overtime violations, etc
Our Tennessee Accident Attorneys Will Fight For Your Rights.
An injury caused by the negligence of a business or individual is devastating – especially when you or someone you love has been injured. It must be. What is your plan for moving forward?
What steps will you take to ensure everything is taken care of? We are here to assist you in your journey toward recovery and being whole again. In fact serving others first is one of our core values.
In addition to handling personal injury cases, car accidents, pedestrian accidents, construction accidents, wrongful death, and more, our Knoxville personal injury lawyers are also dads, sons, friends, business owners, and community leaders. We understand. There are a lot of things on your mind when you are dealing with a personal injury.
It is important to have someone who empathizes, and can ensure that you receive the financial relief you are entitled to, and that you are able to get back on track. We have an extensive network of specialists we can call on if something we aren’t familiar with needs to be handled. Don’t worry, we won’t charge you a dime – it’s included in your recovery. Our success depends on your success.

We are an employment & personal injury law firm located in Knoxville, Tennessee our trusted employment lawyers in Knoxville TN committed to protecting the rights of employees and injured individuals Through out the great state of Tennessee. Unlike other law firms, we do not practice every type of law you can imagine. The focus of our firm is to provide comprehensive legal representation to employees, as well as to those who have been injured by the negligence of others.