Knoxville Harassment Lawyer Protecting TN Employees From Hostile Work Environments.
A hostile work environment created by workplace harassment can have serious and lasting effects not only on the employee who is being harassed, but also on other employees and the company as a whole. You should consult a knowledgeable Knoxville harassment lawyer if you are currently a victim of workplace harassment. Our Knoxville harassment attorneys understand discrimination and harassment laws. If you are a victim of a hostile work environment, we can assist you in filing a claim.
Many anti-discrimination laws forbid harassment, which is a form of discrimination. The term “hostile work environment” is often used to describe harassment claims. Generally, employment laws prohibit workplace harassment based on race, color, sex, pregnancy, national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, and harassment retaliating against employees who oppose discriminatory employment practices.
According to EMBROKER Approximately 19% of EPLI claims in 2019 were related to workplace harassment. In just one year, from 2019 to 2020, claims spiked 115%. It is likely that, due to COVID, the shift to remote work from home was a factor in the decline in workplace harassment claims in 2020.
Then number of discrimination and harassment claims in the workplace increased by 29% in 2021. Considering the fact that employees returned to the office in 2021, the increase may be attributed to the fact that more employees discontinued work from home and returned to the office, and therefore more claims for workplace harassment were filed.

Speak to a Tennessee workplace harassment attorney today
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Knoxville Harassment Lawyer Protecting Employees Against Workplace Harassment?
An employee should know his or her rights when it comes to workplace harassment. Employees of Tennessee may work in a variety of employment sectors, but there is no discrimination based on job descriptions or employment fields. Harassment in the workplace is intolerable at any job, not just from the perspective of the law, but also from that of the person who has experienced it.
Employers are Obligated to Stop Harassment in The Workplace.
It is the employers’ responsibility what happens in their workplaces. According to the doctrine of vicarious liability, employers are liable for harassment in the workplace. This is dependent on the individual harassing you.
Employers have obligations under federal and state law to protect their employees from workplace harassment by their managers, supervisors, co-workers, and others in the workplace whom they can influence, such as independent contractors or clients.
Employers are Obligated To Notify Employees of Their Workplace Rights.
Employers who are subject to federal employment laws must display posters like “EEO is the Law.” The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provides this mandatory poster and requires that the employer post it in a conspicuous place where notices are normally posted. Also, all payroll records and wage calculation methods must be kept for a minimum of two years.
What qualifies as a hostile work environment?
A workplace free of unlawful harassment should be fair and equal. Workplaces that are permeated with unwelcome harassment, intimidation, ridicule, or insults that are so serious or widespread that they interfere with job performance are considered hostile work environments. The Knoxville harassment lawyer at our plaintiff workplace harassment law firm has successfully represented many clients who have been victims of unlawful workplace harassment in Tennessee.
Let a Knoxville harassment lawyer help protect you from a hostile work environment due to workplace harassment.
Hostile work environments that are based on protected characteristics or classes are prohibited under federal and Tennessee employment law. In Tennessee, the following classes are protected:
- Sex
- National origin
- Race
- Religion
- Color
- Creed
- Age

Harassment must be imposed on one of the protected characteristics listed above (This includes harassment of the same gender as well as harassment based on an employee’s nonconformity to traditional gender norms) in order to qualify as a hostile work environment in the legal sense. A coworker or supervisor’s rudeness, inappropriateness, abrasion, or bullying at work is generally legal, provided the behavior is not based on a protected class. An employee can be terminated for unfair reasons, such as bad management, personality conflicts, and favoritism.
Know your Rights Contact an Experienced and Trusted Knoxville Harassment Lawyer Today.
As with any legal matter, you should know what your rights and options are. We have a team of skilled Knoxville harassment lawyers that have decades of experience representing plaintiffs’ rights in Tennessee employment law matters. Our Knoxville employment attorney is prepared to fight employers on behalf of our clients, whenever time is of the essence
Tennessee statute of limitations applies to claims of harassment in the workplace. You will lose your right to sue for employment law claims if you miss this deadline. The EEOC may allow you to file a complaint as little as 300 days after the incident occurred.
Our skilled Knoxville harassment lawyers can help you seek compensation and justice if you have been subjected to harassment at work. Our Knoxville harassment lawyer is prepared to investigate your workplace harassment complaint to determine if you have a valid claim.