Knoxville whistleblower attorney serving all of Tennessee.
According to Whistleblower Network News the DOJ has received 598 qui tam lawsuits since 2021, and this past year there has been a total of $1.6 billion in settlements and judgments as a result of these and previous lawsuits.
Latin words make up the phrase Qui Tam. It is a legal standard that has stood the test of time. In the common law, Qui Tam lawsuits are based on the Latin phrase, “Qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur,” meaning someone bringing a case on behalf of the king and themselves.
Latinize it as Kee-Tam (sounds like ‘lamb’). The more Americanized pronunciation, Kwee-Tam or Kwee-Tom, is used today in U.S. courts rather than the Latin one. A reporter can initiate a fraud case in any of these ways, and it usually refers to a case brought forward by the federal government on behalf of the reporter.
The U.S. Qui Tam Court usually allows a whistleblower to collect a portion of a settlement in return for prosecuting a defendant.

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What Are the Qualifications for Becoming a Qui Tam Whistleblower?
it’s pretty straightforward. You can become a Qui Tam whistleblower if you know of someone or a company that has defrauded the U.S. government. Through the Federal False Claims Act, also known as the Lincoln Law since it was introduced during the Civil War as a tool to prevent businesses from defrauding the Union government, citizens can claim the Qui Tam writ, whose legal provisions protect taxpayers from their hard-earned money going to fraudulent causes, such as kickbacks from businesses or individuals.
Fraud for government programs is investigated by Qui Tam reporters. There are various types of government fraud that are perpetrated by individuals receiving benefits, including fraud on government-funded healthcare programs, such as medicare and medicaid, fraud on social security, fraud on unemployment insurance, etc. The government can also use realtors to take action against businesses that exploit government bailouts and then misuse the funds, or accept them even though they don’t have sufficient need.
If you of an individual or a company that has committed fraudulent acts against the U.S government or the Tennessee government contact a skilled Knoxville whistleblower attorney to see if you qualify as a whistleblower.
Let our Knoxville Whistleblower Attorney Tell You How You Could be Rewarded Financially.
You could be rewarded financially if you come forward with information about a company or person attempting to defraud the federal government.In doing so, whistleblowers hold businesses and industries accountable for defrauding the federal government of taxpayer dollars.
It benefits both the government and its citizens when fraud or other illegal activities are reported. To reward those who provide credible information, the U.S. government offers incentives and protections.Although you may be hesitant to report your employer for fear of repercussions, there are laws in place to protect you from retaliation.
False claims are illegal under the False Claims Act (FCA). It is against the law for an individual or institution to submit a false claim or to fabricate a false record regarding any government funded program. When someone disregards the potential consequences of their actions intentionally, then they have acted with reckless disregard. Private citizens with evidence of fraud can sue on behalf of the government under the “qui tam” provision of the FCA.
To be informed more on the Qui Tam provision of the False Claims Act (FCA) and how If you come forward with information about a company or person defrauding the federal government, you could be rewarded financially. Contact the Knoxville whistleblower attorney at our Tennessee employment law firm.
Our Knoxville Whistleblower Attorney Will Fight for Your Rights!
There is often a common fear that those who expose fraud may be retaliated against by the organization. All whistleblowers are protected from retaliatory behavior under the FCA, meaning that they have nothing to fear. Retaliatory behavior includes:
- Benefits denied
- Sanctions/penalties
- Demotion
- Suspension
- Imposition of penalties/sanctions
- Workplace Harassment or discrimination
There may be instances where an organization will attempt retaliation against you despite the protection provided by the FCA. If this occurs, you have the right to file a If you were fired as a result of the company’s behavior, you can file a lawsuit to seek reinstatement, twice the amount of back pay you lost, interest on back pay, and any litigation fees you incurred. Having recovered the full extent of damages in whistleblower cases of retaliation, our Knoxville whistleblower attorney is an invaluable asset in your Tennessee whistleblower case.
Our Experienced & Trusted Knoxville Whistleblower Attorney Protecting Clients Rights Against Those Who Defraud The TN Government.
Whistleblower laws exist in Tennessee under both the False Claims Act and the Medicaid False Claims Act. When whistleblowers become aware of violations of state laws, they can file a “qui tam” lawsuit.
If someone files a false claim to Tennessee’s Medicaid program, they will be held liable under the Tennessee Medicaid False Claims Act.
A person who knowingly presents false or fraudulent claims for payments to the state, misappropriates state property, or deceptively avoids paying the state is punished by the Tennessee False Claims Act.
Depending on whether the government intervenes in a case, whistleblowers may recover between 25 and 33 percent of any proceeds. It is possible for the whistleblower to receive 35 to 50 percent of the recovery if they bring the case on their own. Whistleblower awards might be reduced if the fraud was planned and initiated by the whistleblower.
In violation of either Tennessee Whistleblower Law, a defendant may be ordered to pay up to three times the actual harm to the state, plus civil fines.
Whistleblower awards under the Tennessee Medicaid False Claims Act – A whistleblower who files a successful qui tam claim may receive between 15 and 25 percent of any recovery to the state if the attorney general intervenes in the matter. If the whistleblower proceeds with the case on their own, they may receive between 25 and 30 percent of the award. The court may reduce the value of the award if the whistleblower planned and initiated the fraud or if the action is based largely on information disclosed in the media or public hearings.
Our experienced Knoxville whistleblower attorneys can assist you in evaluating your Tennessee whistleblower claim and see if you may qualify for a reward for coming forward with information on an individual or company has defrauded the Tennessee Government
Knoxville Whistleblower Attorney Protecting Tennessee Whistleblowers From Retaliation.
Whistleblowers in Tennessee are protected from retaliation by their employers under both Tennessee Whistleblower Acts. Among the protections provided by the Acts are:
- Back pay interest
- A back pay of two times the amount owed
- As part of a successful whistleblower retaliation case, the defendant is also required to pay litigation costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees.
- In the event of retaliation, compensation for special damages may be awarded
- The Tennessee False Claims Act also permits punitive damages where appropriate.
- Reinstatement with the same seniority status that the whistleblower would have had but for the retaliation
Tennessee Whistleblower Laws: Statute of Limitations
A claim must be filed within six years after the violation was reported under the Tennessee Medicaid False Claims Act.
There is a three-year limitation for both the Tennessee False Claims Act and Tennessee Medicaid False Claims Act, but it may be extended up to ten years in certain instances. For more information on Tennessee Medicaid False Claims Act or the Tennessee False Claims Act contact our Knoxville whistleblower attorney today.